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What does it mean to live well in today's complex and changing world? And how are we to lead well, to offer direction and cultivate environments where others can be at their best?
I work behind the scenes to help people, and social change leaders in particular, to feel supported, connected and energised. I do this by hosting and facilitating gatherings that bring people together to learn from each other in environments of trust, to explore responses to the questions above, and inspire each other to live better and to be better leaders.
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Vocate Programs
It never feels like a good time to step back and focus on things that we know are important, but which get crowded out by our hectic schedules. Unfortunately, it often takes a crisis to remind us of what matters. This is your invitation not to wait for that moment.
Through Vocate, I host, facilitate and guide through programs designed to help you step back from your busy schedule. You will take time out to work with others and think deeply about important areas of life and work.
The programs on offer in 2025 are listed here.
Mentoring & Coaching
Alongside these programs, I am also pleased to offer 1:1 mentoring and coaching. I am grateful for the privilege I have had over the years to guide organisational leaders through opportunities or challenges.
If you are in a new leadership role, navigating a transition or responding to an opportunity or challenge, then I'd love to offer some independant support. Typically, this looks like a monthly session (over 3 or 6 months) supplemented by whatever else is needed in your particular situation. Send me an email and let's talk about what this might look like in your scenario.
People are losing trust in the systems and institutions that have supported modern life. It can be challenging to know how to respond when everything seems to be uncertain.
Tables are small gatherings that happen every couple of months; we get together to listen to others' responses, and offer our own, to a question posed at the start of the Table. The discussion stretches our thinking and expands our hearts. Ultimately, it is about encouraging each other to live better.
Come as you are. Tables are welcoming environments. It's like getting together with friends where there is no need to perform or be smart. Leave your cape at the door and check in your phone.
I host Tables in collaboration some other fabulous people. The ticket price covers costs associated with food, venue and ticketing admin only.
Col Duthie
I work to help leaders of social change feel supported, connected and energised. I am a convenor and facilitator. I am interested in patterns and connections.
The roles from within which I have done this are:
As host and facilitator of gatherings of social purpose leaders.
As a coach and mentor to business and civil society leaders.
As a board member and specialist Chair of social purpose organisations.
As a designer and facilitator of programs to create strategic clarity, develop leadership cohesion and cultivate stakeholder buy-in.
I have worked with senior leaders within the Victorian Legal Services Board and Commission, VicWater, World Vision Australia, Victoria Legal Aid, Salvos Stores, The Victorian Equal Opportunity & Human Rights Commission, Baptcare, Social Ventures Australia, Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre, Justice Connect, Ethinvest and dozens of other for-purpose organisations. Until recently I have been Executive Chair of Donkey Wheel Ltd and Chair of The Give Where You Live Foundation (Geelong).
I have various professional accreditations, am a graduate member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors and a Good Design Australia Ambassador. There are testimonials here.
I hope for a future with less fragmentation and disconnection. I work to bring people, their ideas, their hearts and their initiatives together, not only to facilitate community and collaboration, but towards radical wholeness.
I have websites and blogs at (personal), at (previous professional), an emerging thought experiment at and a cooking/food journal at
I live and work most of the time on Wadawurrung Country, and also on Wurundgeri and Bundjalung land. I pay my respects to their Elders past, present and emerging, and recognise their ongoing custodianship of country and the associated stories and wisdom.